Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday morning and still going well nearly halfway and I must admit I could not have gotten this far with out the support of my trainers they have been so helpfull and have really put in as much effort as I have.
The thing that stands out the most is their kind and forgiving nature that makes them the compassionate people that others look up to for direction:-)
Training is still tough with Richard's spin class this morning and then a weight session tonight, bootcamp tomorrow and then a suprise class on Sunday with Angie who I must say did look very bright and refreshed this morning :-)
Must go enjoy the day.


  1. Greg what a lovely blog and such heart warming comments. I can't tell you how nice it is to read them and of course you are correct we trainers are very forgiving souls......So I will probably see you in the gym tonight to give you some of my "encouragement" and look forward to our Sunday session.
    Oh yeah and by the way bring your tissues!!!!!
    Lol Little Miss Scary :-)

  2. oowee R u in for it on sunday Mr Fox c sucking up will get u nowhere I'd be bringing "HANKIES" not tissues!!!!!!!
    Suck it up Princess
    Your supportive trainer!!!!

  3. who the hell is bbchou? I think many would like to know
