Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hi to one and all, sorry about the delay in blogging but with all this new found energy I have been so busy I got side tracked.
Well what can I say Sunday was a great day but then again a little sad as well, its funny when something is finished and you look back and think if only I had done this, the outcome would have been a little better or if I had put in more effort I could have got there faster. If only I had another chance I could do better but now with what I have learned from this challenge I have the rest of my life to improve on my efforts so I have many people to thank for that. The new year new you challenge has hi lighted so many of my weaknesses and my strengths not only physically and I would have to say that it does make you realise how far you can push yourself when you are asked so politely to do so.
I am very happy with my results having lost 11.4kg in the eight weeks, but happier with my overall fitness levels. I can truthfully say that I never would have achieved this outcome on my own without body4u. It makes you realise that you are capable of so much and is certainly the catalyst to do more with my life.
But as I said before I have a lot of people to thank for the results that I have achieved firstly Natalie as she did put up with a lot of complaining to start with and supported me with my food and many other things along the way. Then there is Amanda who has been very good to me in a harsh sort of way but the hard work and extra time that she put in was very much appreciated. Darren and Richard for firstly a bit of male company and nothing like having a good photographer ever present. Now Angie "miss not so scary" who's twisted mind thought up all those challenges along the way, thank you for making it interesting and fun, I hope that you enjoyed the banter as much as I did and will miss our pleasant Sunday morning get together. To the rest of the team at body4u thanks for all the friendly and professional support through out the challenge. I would recommend this challenge to anyone who is looking to improve their overall health and lifestyle.


  1. I am so very proud of you for achieving what you set out to do.You have lost weight and gained extra levels of fitness that will only improve your/our lifestyle. I have enjoyed supporting you in your quest and have learnt along the way , with the extra bonus of me losing 5 kilos too....so a big thank you to you as well . Well done and congratulations for your wonderful effort and committment xx

  2. Great job Greg. It was definately lots of fun you guys put in great efforts for the last 8 weeks. Keep it up.
